News archive of November 2010
This page contains the news items which were submitted in November 2010. Clicking on the title of a news message will bring you to a separate page allowing you to comment, share or rate the message. Twitter messages will also be visible here.

The mappers and developers have been working on some new Christmas goodies!
-Lights of different variation spread over the entire strip; (sections done by different mappers)
-A new Christmas tree with a few gifts under it for all to enjoy;
-A small tree in a few different popular areas such as ammunation, the VIP room and more;
-The ship is fully decorated with lights, just for visual pleasures;
-Realistic server side snowing - see this video.
Below is a progress video made by me:
Las Venturas Playground Cristmas 2010
There have been some changes in development personnel. Matthias has stepped down as a lead developer of the gamemode due to other commitments. Jay is once again a lead developer! This is extremely exciting news for players because Jay was responsible for some of LVPs biggest updates, such as LVP 2.90! You can expect to see lots of huge changes in terms of the development process. These are likely to come in after Christmas - we'll give you an update as things progress.
Version 2.93
Las Venturas Playground 2.93 was released last month. It was run on the main server for a few moments before being delcared unstable. This was very upsetting news for players because it was one of the biggest updates of the year. The development team is attempting to resolve issues with the update and optimize the code. 2.93.1 will be released very shortly. We'll make a seperate news post regarding the same.
Kind Regards,
For and on behalf of the LVP Development & Mapping teams.