News archive of May 2013
This page contains the news items which were submitted in May 2013. Clicking on the title of a news message will bring you to a separate page allowing you to comment, share or rate the message. Twitter messages will also be visible here.
Coming weekend we will be holding the first official LVP reunion! It will be a great chance for you to meet and catch up with the many regulars LVP has had over the last 6 years we've existed.
We will be organizing several activities we hope as many of you will be participating in, there are great prices to win!
Saturday June 1st
19:00 GMT - Start of Reunion
20:00 GMT - Chaos.
A special 30 minute KILLTIME will begin at 9pm. The player with the most registered kills at the end of KILLTIME will be victorious.
Price: Far Cry Blood Dragon*
21:00 GMT - Breaking the Bank at Caligula's
Robbing a bank with a couple of people is fun, robbing the bank with up to 32 people must be awsometastic! Extra hunters for the defenders and transportation for the attackers will be provided.
22:00 GMT - Battle Cruise
A traditional cruise with a twist. A cruise with no repairs and only one vehicle per player. It's simple, the last car standing wins! (4 wheeled vehicles only)
Price: Far Cry Blood Dragon*
Sunday June 2nd
19:00 GMT - Start of Reunion
20:00 GMT - Ultimate Rivershell
A special match of Rivershell with 2 random teams! The boats have been given extra health making it harder to deflect an attack.
21:00 GMT - FBI Intelligence.
A random innocent player will be marked as a dirty terrorist and will be hunted down. Are they innocent or guilty? Who cares! All we know is that they're going to die. Whoever gets the registered kill wins! The terrorist wins if no one is able to kill him during the chase!
Prize: Far Cry Blood Dragon*
21:30 GMT - Traditional Cruise A traditional LVP Cruise
Will be starting off at LV Airport with veteran leaders. What better way to end a night of nostalgic fun by taking part in an epic cruise until you snooze!

Our radio station will be broadcasting live during the event! There will be many contests and give-aways so tune in! Every ingame car is tuned in to the right station by default. Read up on their schedule here
Only REGISTERED players are legible for prizes. There are no exceptions to this condition so make sure you're playing with a REGISTERED username before you enter an event to avoid disappointment
* You may choose to receive a game through steam priced up to the value of 15 EUR
We will be organizing several activities we hope as many of you will be participating in, there are great prices to win!
Saturday June 1st
19:00 GMT - Start of Reunion
20:00 GMT - Chaos.
A special 30 minute KILLTIME will begin at 9pm. The player with the most registered kills at the end of KILLTIME will be victorious.
Price: Far Cry Blood Dragon*
21:00 GMT - Breaking the Bank at Caligula's
Robbing a bank with a couple of people is fun, robbing the bank with up to 32 people must be awsometastic! Extra hunters for the defenders and transportation for the attackers will be provided.
22:00 GMT - Battle Cruise
A traditional cruise with a twist. A cruise with no repairs and only one vehicle per player. It's simple, the last car standing wins! (4 wheeled vehicles only)
Price: Far Cry Blood Dragon*
Sunday June 2nd
19:00 GMT - Start of Reunion
20:00 GMT - Ultimate Rivershell
A special match of Rivershell with 2 random teams! The boats have been given extra health making it harder to deflect an attack.
21:00 GMT - FBI Intelligence.
A random innocent player will be marked as a dirty terrorist and will be hunted down. Are they innocent or guilty? Who cares! All we know is that they're going to die. Whoever gets the registered kill wins! The terrorist wins if no one is able to kill him during the chase!
Prize: Far Cry Blood Dragon*
21:30 GMT - Traditional Cruise A traditional LVP Cruise
Will be starting off at LV Airport with veteran leaders. What better way to end a night of nostalgic fun by taking part in an epic cruise until you snooze!

Our radio station will be broadcasting live during the event! There will be many contests and give-aways so tune in! Every ingame car is tuned in to the right station by default. Read up on their schedule here
Only REGISTERED players are legible for prizes. There are no exceptions to this condition so make sure you're playing with a REGISTERED username before you enter an event to avoid disappointment
* You may choose to receive a game through steam priced up to the value of 15 EUR
Hello! Yesterday evening, the development team has released a new Las Venturas Playground version, 8.3.0. Here's the changelog!
- Reintroduced the Jail Island, which will be further amended in the following updates.
- A new vehicle layout.
- The /my teleport [on/off] command has been reimplemented for VIPs.
- The VIP chat isn't shown to all players anymore, but only to VIPs.
- Fixed several bugs which could potentially crash the server.
- Fixed a few issues with nickname colors.
- Many other minor bugfixes.
Have a good day!
On behalf of the Las Venturas Playground Management & Development Team,
- Reintroduced the Jail Island, which will be further amended in the following updates.
- A new vehicle layout.
- The /my teleport [on/off] command has been reimplemented for VIPs.
- The VIP chat isn't shown to all players anymore, but only to VIPs.
- Fixed several bugs which could potentially crash the server.
- Fixed a few issues with nickname colors.
- Many other minor bugfixes.
Have a good day!
On behalf of the Las Venturas Playground Management & Development Team,
Hello everyone! The Las Venturas Playground development team is proud to announce that our Trac is now open to everyone!
I can hear you asking something like "What's this Trac thing, now?!". Well, Trac is a famous project management and bug tracking system. This means it helps our development team collaborate, sort out bugs and feature requests, and track changes to the source code. We've been using Trac for a long time now, but we've just decided to open it up for everyone, to involve our community in the development process.
But how can it be useful for us players? It is a great substitute for the current LVP Development forum board. Through Trac, you can report bugs which affect Las Venturas Playground and its components, or request a new feature to be added.
Reporting bugs and requesting features is as easy as creating a new forum topic: instead of a topic, though, you create a ticket. Each ticket has its own page, where you can track the progress of its resolution. You can have a look at other tickets and their progress as well.
So, enough talk: log in with your Las Venturas Playground account and try it out yourself!
On behalf of the Las Venturas Playground Management & Development Team,
I can hear you asking something like "What's this Trac thing, now?!". Well, Trac is a famous project management and bug tracking system. This means it helps our development team collaborate, sort out bugs and feature requests, and track changes to the source code. We've been using Trac for a long time now, but we've just decided to open it up for everyone, to involve our community in the development process.
But how can it be useful for us players? It is a great substitute for the current LVP Development forum board. Through Trac, you can report bugs which affect Las Venturas Playground and its components, or request a new feature to be added.
Reporting bugs and requesting features is as easy as creating a new forum topic: instead of a topic, though, you create a ticket. Each ticket has its own page, where you can track the progress of its resolution. You can have a look at other tickets and their progress as well.
So, enough talk: log in with your Las Venturas Playground account and try it out yourself!
On behalf of the Las Venturas Playground Management & Development Team,
A few days ago, Las Venturas Playground has been updated to 8.1.2. Most of the work was done under the hood, with the goal of giving everyone a better user experience. We've fixed a few minor bugs and rewritten the nickname color handler from scratch.
In the following update, we'll be focusing more on long-awaited bugfixes, while still working on refactoring and simplifying other Las Venturas Playground features.
In other news, we've introduced a brand new commit console in our development portal. This page lists the 25 latest commits (changes to the source code) to Las Venturas Playground. If you're interested in what the development team is working on, this really comes in handy: make sure to check it out!
On behalf of the Las Venturas Playground Management & Development Team,
A few days ago, Las Venturas Playground has been updated to 8.1.2. Most of the work was done under the hood, with the goal of giving everyone a better user experience. We've fixed a few minor bugs and rewritten the nickname color handler from scratch.
In the following update, we'll be focusing more on long-awaited bugfixes, while still working on refactoring and simplifying other Las Venturas Playground features.
In other news, we've introduced a brand new commit console in our development portal. This page lists the 25 latest commits (changes to the source code) to Las Venturas Playground. If you're interested in what the development team is working on, this really comes in handy: make sure to check it out!
On behalf of the Las Venturas Playground Management & Development Team,