Role Playing
Role playing has almost always been part of the list of things to do on the Las Venturas Playground game server. Here are some suggestions:
Driving around Las Venturas Playground looking for houses is always fun. When you see a green house icon, walk into it to view the price and earnings of this property. If you'd like to buy, use the /buy command. Try buying more than one in order to obtain higher earnings per minute.
Export Vehicles
There are always 3 vehicles wanted for export! Check out /export to view the wanted vehicles. Once you have found a wanted vehicle, drive to the Export location. The wanted vehicles are changed every 20 minutes, be sure you're in time!
Import Vehicles
If you exported enough vehicles (you must have exported at least 70 vehicles) you are able you import vehicles at the various Autobahn locations.
Start or join a gang
You can start or join a gang. Challenge other gangs and even protect your gangs property. See Gangs for more info.
A little more...
Here are two more ideas that, although they are not scripted into the gamemode, can be really fun and one you can even make some money while doing it.
- Be a taxi driver
Not everyone always wants to use the /taxi system. Some want to see the sights on the way to their intended destination. Offer players a ride for a fee that you can set yourself. An example of how to announce that you are giving taxi rides would be; "/me is starting a taxi service. /pm me for a ride." You can then tell them the price you will charge for the distance they would like to travel. (Hint: Try not to charge too much and be willing to negotiate a price) - Take a bus tour
A bus tour is almost like a one car cruise with a bunch of players. Find a bus and ask other players if they would like to go on a bus ride. Generally bus tours are free and meant to be a fun way to move large amounts of players at one time. Use your imagination on a the destination.