Profile of [RF]V1NT
This is the profile of “[RF]V1NT”, a player on Las Venturas Playground. Please mind that not all information may be visible, depending on his/her preferences.
- Nickname: [RF]V1NT
- Position: Player
- Registered: Sunday 16th of December, 2007 (6,289 days ago)
- Online time: 62 hours and 27 minutes #0
- Last online: Tuesday 22nd of April, 2008
- Profile views: 312 # +209 views
- Karma: 615 #0
Melee Statistics
- Kills: 333 #
- Drive-by kills: 0 #
- Heli-kills: 0 #
- Deaths: 84 #
- Ratio: 3.96 #
- FightClub kills: 0 #
- FightClub deaths: 0 #
- FightClub ratio: 0.00 #
Fun Statistics
- Balance: $1.5 million #
- Minigames won: 0 #
- Exports: 0 #
- Reaction tests won: 0 #
- Carbombs detonated: 0 #
In-game Activity Statistics
The longest in-game session of [RF]V1NT so far was 10 hours and 23 minutes in length, which was set on Sunday 13th of April, 2008. The chart contains their activity divided over the day.

Latest sessions
- April 18th, 2008 - 4:19 AM 00:01 hours
- April 18th, 2008 - 1:37 AM 01:20 hours
- April 18th, 2008 - 12:54 AM 01:00 hours
- April 17th, 2008 - 11:13 PM 00:49 hours
- April 17th, 2008 - 9:46 PM 01:05 hours