Profile of Polo_Ralph
This is the profile of “Polo_Ralph”, a player on Las Venturas Playground. Please mind that not all information may be visible, depending on his/her preferences.
- Nickname: Polo_Ralph
- Position: Player
- Registered: Monday 23rd of January, 2017 (2,968 days ago)
- Online time: 12 hours and 43 minutes #0
- Last online: Thursday 23rd of May, 2019
- Profile views: 278 #
- Karma: 152 #0
Melee Statistics
- Kills: 52 #
- Drive-by kills: 1 #
- Heli-kills: 0 #
- Deaths: 89 #
- Ratio: 0.58 #
- FightClub kills: 6 #
- FightClub deaths: 12 #
- FightClub ratio: 0.50 #
Fun Statistics
- Balance: $21.1 million #
- Minigames won: 2 #
- Exports: 0 #
- Reaction tests won: 10 #
- Carbombs detonated: 0 #